Straight From the Horse's Mouth

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I'm A CrossFitter!


What is CrossFit? Please feel free to do research on this because it WILL change your life!

I’ve known about CrossFit for some time now thanks to a few friends who started quite a while ago. The WODs (workout of the day) started making their way into conditioning classes at the Kung Fu school, and I quickly saw that these things were majorly hard. And these WODs will expose your weaknesses immediately. I would only do the WODs in the privacy of our garage because I didn’t want anyone to see me doing them. They are so hard, and I took so many breaks. I didn’t anyone to witness just how weak I was.

Bryan and I had really wanted to join a CrossFit gym for quite a while. We knew that it was worth every penny, but unfortunately, I wasn’t really working. It was something we just had to hold off until we had more income. Thankfully, I got a new job, and the problem was instantly solved! We wasted no time either! It was one of the most exciting and scariest things I’ve ever done. I knew that it would be amazing for both of us, but I also knew that it wouldn’t be easy.

Why would you pay for something that you could do for free in your garage? That’s easy – it’s a completely different ballgame! Really…it is! In the garage, I took many breaks, and I didn’t push myself. I completed the workouts which was good, but I wasn’t getting everything out of them that I could. Couldn’t I have just pushed myself harder? Yes! But there’s the clincher – everyone needs something to motivate them. Some people are self-motivated, but I need something more. And being in a CrossFit class with others is my motivation. It’s not a competition, but just watching others makes me want to keep up. Being in class with Bryan is one of my biggest motivations; it’s like a friendly competition. Hey, whatever works!

The thing I love about CrossFit is that everything is scaleable. There’s no reason not to do the workout. I started with little weights, but quickly added more. This shit works! I think this is our 5th week, and I’m already noticing major results. Seriously, I’m getting ripped and loving it! I’m so proud of my body and want to show it off.  Too bad swimsuit season just ended. I’m a little behind, but I’ll be too ready for it next year!

Another great thing about CrossFit, and the one you CAN’T get in your garage is great coaches and great friends. I love the coaches at Cedar Park CrossFit. They keep me moving when my brain says STOP! I really mesh with a coach that doesn’t mind getting right in my face and demanding more even if it’s just one more. I need that, and that’s why I pay. The people that I have met in class have been equally amazing. Everyone is so nice! My favorite memory was on a free workout where a guy who had finished his workout came over and did burpees with me! Crazy – crazy nice – and crazy inspiring! It worked too; I felt compelled to keep moving. I remembered it too, and one day everyone in class, including me, cheered on a woman to finish a grueling WOD. I love being a part of a group like this!

I want to do better about writing about some of my big achievement moving forward, but I know that I won’t be dedicated enough to write about each workout like Bryan at his blog. I want to look at where I’ve come in just this short amount of time since starting. Keep in mind that we only attend CrossFit twice a week and supplement that with a WOD style type of conditioning class at the Kung Fu school.

I wish I had taken before pictures to show how much my body has changed. I do not have these and probably wouldn’t post them if I did. 🙂 I have never been fat, but I was carrying a few extra pounds, was not toned, and had cellulite. Most people never saw this about me, but I saw it. I new that my body needed some work. I do have these “after” pictures however. Though this journey just started, so these are hardly after pictures. I’m just so pleased with how my body is changing because of CrossFit. Check it out:


me again

the guns!

Another great thing that I love is the fact that I’m trying all kinds of new exercises like dead lifts and box jumps. I would have never imagined I would be dead lifting one day! 🙂 I love it! And I really love seeing my weight go up as I get stronger. It’s fun to keep trying new things and watch yourself develop. I’m even inching (and I mean inching) my way toward a real pull up!

Recent Pictures of the Cats:

OC in the guest bathroom sink…crazy cat!

oc in sink - crazy cat!

Songs I’m digging right now:

Party in the USAMiley Cyrus

posted under Uncategorized
2 Comments to

“I'm A CrossFitter!”

  1. On September 27th, 2009 at 1:03 am Says:

    interesting stuff hope it works.

  2. On October 20th, 2009 at 8:34 am Nikki Isbell Says:

    I like this post! I am so proud that CFCP is one of the reasons that keeps you crossfitting! Our community is amazing isn’t it! Keep up the good work!

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