Straight From the Horse's Mouth

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A Life Together


Another blog post…and you guessed it, it’s subject is my upcoming wedding. What can I say? I seriously thought about what to write for a good 5 minutes, and I kept coming back to the wedding. Maybe because it has taken over my life or maybe because we leave for our wedding in one week! Either way, all I’ve got on my brain is wedding, wedding, wedding! I know I’ve said it before, but let me just make sure you don’t miss out on the fact that I’m sooooo ready for this whole thing to be over with. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to get married. He’s an amazing man, and I’m a very lucky gal. However, as far as the planning and stressing goes, I’m ready to be rid of it all. Done! And when it’s all finished, I can just focus on being a great wife to an even greater husband. Ah…the good life! But alas, we have a week to wrap things up here and then hit the road and then another week in Mississippi to finish it up there. I do not look forward to either of these weeks as they promise to be hellish and extremely stressful. Can I just take a giant nap and wake up on the morning of June 5? I didn’t think so.

I’ve gotten even more done since the last time I blogged. Which is natural considering that we leave next Saturday. However, so much is left to be completed. We have to clean the house as well as do some things outdoors and in the garage. We have to pack – ugh! We have some last minute details to get into order. I have to make sure we have some paleo foods to take with us on this trip as grassfed beef and organic produce aren’t easy to come by in my hometown. Sigh…when will the world realize what garbage they eat? Well, until that time, we have to pack and transport it all the way to Mississippi with a weekend stop over in Dallas. Awesome! <—that’s sarcasm in case you couldn’t tell! I just keep reminding myself that all this is worth it and that the event will turn out to be as beautiful as it is in my head. But just in case it doesn’t, I’m swearing to just laugh it off and keep truckin’ with the show. No matter what, I know the honeymoon is going to be stellar! 🙂

Enough about the wedding, I want to talk about marriage and my commitment to Bryan. I have found who I truly believe to be the most amazing man walking the earth. I feel so blessed everyday that I wake up beside him. To be his wife is the biggest accomplishment I can boast, and I feel extremely lucky and proud to have the job. I promise to always try and be a good spouse and when the time comes, a good mother as well. He makes me so very happy, and I want to make sure that I do the same for him – always! I love what we have together, and I want to keep experiencing it for the rest of my life or as long as God will grant us to be together. I know that our life together is going to be a fun adventure even with life’s curve balls. I also know that with Bryan by my side, there’s nothing that we can’t accomplish and get through. We make a great team, at least I think so.

We are very different, but we are also so very much alike. It’s both of these things that makes us perfect for one another. Our differences keep things interesting, and our similarities give us common ground. It’s a perfect balance that works. That’s not to say that it’s 100% smooth sailing (that’s the interesting part), but I know that we’ll always work out our differences and come back to common ground. We have so much to teach each other as well as so many new things to learn as a couple, together. I never want to take a moment for granted.

One day Bryan and I were walking through the neighborhood, and the subject of those elderly apartments came up. I’ve always wanted to live in one of these places. They look like so much fun! I was shocked when Bryan enthusiastically agreed! How much fun would it be to live as a couple in a place where we are only responsible for our apartment. You are surrounded by tons of people to visit and befriend. They plan tons of activities for you, and all of your meals are served to you. It’s paradise as far as I’m concerned. I totally bet we’ll live in one of these one day. And I bet we’ll be as happy as we are now and still joined at the hip. We will probably be way more in sync and have tons of funny habits. And most likely, we’ll get on each others nerves a lot more, and we still won’t be able to live without each other. Ah, sounds good. I’d say I can’t wait, but there’s a whole life between now and then that I’m just as anxious to get to. I just want to experience everyday to come with my man by my side….living life and loving it.

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